Loop through different ways to earn - showing the title and how many points are required

  {% for way_to_earn in shop.metafields.rivo.loy.points_program.ways_to_earn %}
    <li>{{ way_to_earn.title }} for {{ way_to_earn.points_amount }} points</li>
  {% endfor %}

Loop through different ways to redeem - showing the title and how many points are required

  {% for points_reward in shop.metafields.rivo.loy.points_program.points_rewards %}
    <li>{{ points_reward.name }} for {{ points_reward.points_amount }} points. <button class="redeem" data-reward-id="{{ points_reward.id }}">Redeem</button></li>
  {% endfor %}

Loop through the different VIP Tiers - showing the name

  {% for vip_tier in shop.metafields.rivo.loy.vip_program.tiers %}
    <li>{{ vip_tier.name }}</li>
  {% endfor %}